Rabu, 27 Februari 2013

Creating Cross Swallow colony in Foreign Location (not the Game, not the track, and not Central)

It is not unusual for buildings that berlokasikan nest in areas that are not hunted, not instead CENTRAL TRACK CRISIS will experience a bird's nest (swiftlet lonely) in a very long time. Even arguably BUILDING PURPOSES ONLY FAILURE that will be obtained by the owner.

However, you do not have to worry about these things. Because I've been through the pain and the bitter bitter were the conditions, namely in NANGABULIK AREA (near BRIDGE KUJAN) LAMANDAU district - BASE BUN. For the region, it is who I am the swallow MEMBURUNGKAN BUILDING FIRST TIME AND THE FIRST TIME. At that time not one swallow buildings operating in the area. The reason BIRD IS NOT BECAUSE passing swallow, especially HUNTING FOOD. CLEARLY THIS IS NOT ALSO CENTRAL REGION (like today).

The building was already established by my brother, but unfortunately, not seen any seekorpun swiftlet. What do I do? First thing I did was ring the Sound KRIYAW with moderate daily. That morning starting at 05.00 am s / d 10.00 and for the afternoon starting at 15.00 s / d 18:30 spliced ​​with the voice call that is intended to include swiftlets if any.

The first day to the third day, the liver somewhat comforted by the presence of 1 (one) swiftlet birds circling and approaching the building. At dusk the day, when it was replaced by the sound of the voice changes kriyaw call, a bird that rose into the building. But unfortunately after sunset bird out of the building and the high flying and disappeared in the darkness night.

Faced with this situation, I am trying to establish SCENT IN THE BUILDING, but where I should get swallow droppings, while in the area no other nest building standing. For that I ventured to crawl under the BRIDGE KUJAN to collect nests KALI HAWK / Swallow containing SIMILAR SCENT BIRD POOP swallow. Then I was put into the building evenly.

Sure enough, the next day a swallow bird that rose like overnight / STAY. For 4 nights this one bird has to stay, but there is also a friend. I think if this goes on all the time could be lost because the bird feel LONELY. That night I went to Nanga Bulik GORSENI buildings that has not been used yet, so a lot of sparrow in place. I caught a few, then I inject with vormalin to preserved.

I preserved the birds I put on the fins where the birds are silent. Al outcome, it is a swallow bird swallow mendempeti that preserved it. Then after the next two weeks, then there seems to be 2 (two) were mengawani nest swiftlet (situan house) around the building and the two spend the night, then be 3 (three) tails. After 2 (two) months, the number of birds that stay around 23 (twenty three) tails. Since that time no longer use kriyaw every day, which is only 3 times a week and even then only intermittently only.

1 komentar:

  1. Syukur Alhamdulillah di tahun ini Saya mendapatkan Rezeki yg berlimpah sebab sudah hampir 9 Tahun Saya bekerja di (MALEYSIA) tdk pernah menikmati hasil jeripaya saya karna Hutang keluarga Sangatlah banyak namun Akhirnya, saya bisa terlepas dari masalah Hutang Baik di bank maupun sama bos saya di Tahun yg penuh berkah ini,
    Dan sekarang saya bisa pulang ke Indonesia dgn membawakan Modal buat Keluarga supaya usaha kami bisa di lanjutkan lagi,dan tak lupa saya ucapkan Terimah kasih banyak kepada SHOLEH PATY karna Beliaulah yg tlah memberikan bantuan kepada kami melalui bantuan Nomor Togel jadi sayapun berhasil menang di pemasangan Nomor di TOTO MAGNUM dan menang banyak
    Jadi,Bagi Teman yg ada di group ini yg mempunyai masalah silahkan minta bantuan Sama KI SHOLEH PATY dgn cara tlp di Nomor ;o825-244-669-169 percaya ataupun tdk itu tergantung sama anda Namun inilah kisa nyata saya
